Thursday 9 June 2016

Natural homemade skin whitening tips

Honey and almond face mask for skin whitening

This is the best way to improve fairness. Honey and almond possess great results in lightening the skin and providing proper moisturizing. Honey and almond altogether are impactful skin lightening homemade assets. You can easily make this skin whitening mask by mixing a tablespoon of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice along with 1/2 tsp of almond oil, then apply it gently on the skin with a good 10-15 minutes.

How to improve skin fairness with tomato & oatmeal

The tomato is one of the renowned skin lightening agents. A mix of oatmeal, tomato and yogurt when applied on the face can lighten up your skin and removes the tan. This is great when you have sunburns. To make this pack, you require a ripe tomato and two spoons of oatmeal. Take a bowl and pour a spoon of oatmeal in it. Now add the tomato juice from a single tomato. Allow it to stay till the oats become smooth. Now apply the pack over your face, keep for 10 minutes and then wash with cold water.

Milk & lemon juice to improve skin complexion

It is one of the effective skin lightening remedy which is competent in removing the tan on your skin and lighten darken skin tone to a great level. Mix a tsp of gram flour with 2 tsp of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes before washing. After washing your face, you can easily draw a difference between the your two faces before and after application of face pack. Continue this for a couple of weeks to improve skin complexion.
Avoid hair loss due to hard water

Potato slices for skin lightening

Sliced potatoes or grated when applied helps in skin lightening. It is one of the great agents in whitening skin, and is highly beneficial in removing dark spots and blemishes. The clear face without any marks is the desire of every lady. You can now cut potato after peeling it and rub it over your face so that the juices are absorbed by your skin. Alternatively, you can mash the potato and apply the pulp over your face. Once it is dry, wash it with warm water. The clear face without any marks is the desire of some women and so the remedies in the natural way are more impactful.

Yogurt for fairness

This is a product that is made of milk and hence completely safe. Lactic acid in this food product has got ability to lighten the skin tone. Apply this on your skin and leave it for some time. Then rinse it with water. If you can use this for two times daily – you will notice the change in your skin tone. You can also mix yogurt with honey and anoint your face and neck. This will improve your skin tone and moisturize your skin. Your skin will look fresh and young.

Oranges to improve skin whiteness

Vitamin C is important for your skin. Oranges contain the vitamin C in it in good quantity. It is a citrus fruit and contains skin lightening properties too. Mix orange juice with a pinch of turmeric and make a paste. Apply this on your face and exposed part of the neck. Leave it overnight and then in the morning rinse off. You can also use the peel of the fruit and powder it. Mix this powder with yogurt and apply on your body and face. Wait till this is dry. Rinse it off and take a shower. Regular use will whiten & brightens your skin naturally.

Aloe vera gel for skin brightness

This has got properties for alleviating hyper pigmentation and can give you back the lighter tone of your skin. The gel also helps in repairing the damaged cells of the skin and improves the condition of your skin. Take the gel from the leaf and smear it on your body. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. This will help in keeping your skin healthy and give you a lighter tone in a natural way.

1 comment:

  1. thaanks for share great information i will share your Facts with friends
