Friday 10 June 2016

How To Get Rid Of Age Spots On skin ?

What Causes Age Spots ?

Old age spots usually occur in people having light-colored or fair complexion, but they can develop in those having darker skin as well. Following are the main causes of age spots:
(i) Age spots are produced predominantly by years of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. When skin is exposed to the sun, it triggers an upsurge in creation of cells known as melanocytes that build up melanin in the skin. On the areas of the skin that have years of regular and protracted sun exposure, dark patches emerge when melanin becomes “clumped” or is produced in excessive intensity. These dark patches are also known as brown spots, age spots, dark spots, sun spots and liver spots.
(ii) The use of commercial tanning beds and tanning lamps can also lead to the occurrence of age spots.
(iii) They occur due to genetics reason also.
(iv) Apart from UV exposure, just getting old can upsurge ­­­melanin production causing old age spots.
(iv) Some people claim factors like stress, pregnancy, vitamin deficiency may also cause this problem.

How To Get Rid Of Age Spots On skin ?

You can fade, lighten or remove age spots by using a number of different methods, such as using home remedies, skin-bleaching products, OTC and prescription products, or using professional age spot skin treatments. However, if you’re good about protecting your skin from ultraviolet light – by avoiding the sun and using sunscreen – you might be able to prevent age spots and maintain your skin’s youthful appearance. But if you go out frequently for prolonged periods without any sunscreen, you will probably get them early in life.

Home Remedies For Age Spots

(1) Lemon Juice For Age Spots Removal: Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can help to bleach and get rid of brown spots. Moreover, it helps in maintaining soft, clear and beautiful skin.
(i) Simply apply a little fresh lemon juice directly onto the sunspots, leaving it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with cold water. Repeat this natural remedy twice a day for about two months to see positive results.
(ii) Another way is to mix in enough sugar with lemon juice to form a paste. Use it as a scrub onto your skin, particularly on the age spots, leaving it on for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it out. Apply this home remedy few times a week. If you have dry skin, add in some olive oil in this natural recipe.
2. Buttermilk To Exfoliate And Fade Age Spots And Blemishes: Buttermilk contains lactic acid that bleaches the skin in the same manner as the citric acid in lemon juice. The difference is that it works without drying out your skin and can be used directly on even very sensitive skin.
(i) Apply a little buttermilk directly on your brown spots using a cotton ball and leave it there for about 15 to 30 minutes, before rinsing it out with water. If you have oily skin or acne, it’s a good idea to mix in some lemon juice with buttermilk. Apply this home remedy twice in a day.
(ii) To make this remedy more effective, mix 4 teaspoons of buttermilk with 2 teaspoons of tomato juice, since tomato juice is known to contain bleaching properties that too works as an age spot remover. Use this remedy twice in a day.

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