Friday 10 June 2016


1 Play the “Strangers” Game

One of the most common (and effective) ways to put a little spice back into your sex life is to play the strangers game.
You and your husband agree to meet at a bar, but you pretend you don’t know each other. He notices you and tries to pick you up. (It’s fun to resist a little, but for optimum results you want his efforts to be successful.) Alternately, you can play a naughty girl and pick him up!
You can play this game as yourselves, you can pretend you’re having a wanton affair with someone in particular, or you can both make believe you’re particular movie stars or celebrities.

2 Swap Sexy Texts

Why do you text your guy only when you need him to pick up some milk on the way home? That’s a waste of perfectly good technology.
Put your cellphone to use by sending naughty messages that turn him on.
I know you’ve heard of sexting, so what’s stopping you? Just remember to use good grammar. Bad grammar is never attractive.

3 Share Naughty Photos

Since you’re already sexting, why stop at words? Text your guy a naughty photo of yourself wearing a pretty negligée, or in nothing at all. That will put the spice back in your relationship, belive me!
Men are visual creatures, and he’ll love seeing you naked.
Better than that is the evidence that you are thinking of him and wanting him in the middle of your day.
What’s important is that you feel completely confident in your body and know you look your best. Here’s a quick way to burn any unwanted pounds for summer season so you feel hot in a bikini (and once you radiate with a good energy and a smile, he’ll naturally be more turned on by you).

4 Pack His Lunch

Do you want to do something fun and cute to remind him that he’s still your favorite guy? Pack his lunch for him!
Seriously, make him a manly sandwich and thermos of coffee and send him off to work! And while you’re at it, write him a love note and put it in the bag.
Little gestures are emotionally stimulating, which is often lacking in relationships that are experiencing a sexual slump.

5 Cook Together

Making a meal together is a proven, highly sensual way to spice up your love life. So pull out the recipe book and plan some quality time in the kitchen.
There are several reasons why cooking together works so well.
First, our olfactory senses come into play. The food smells good and we begin to desire it. And once we start experiencing desire, we start wanting other sensual stimulation. I think you know where this is headed.
Second, when you are in a tight place (the kitchen) sharing a project (cooking) you tend to talk to each other more and you can improve your communication and get to understand him better. You’re both focused on a task, so you don’t have the pressure of finding some meaningful topic to talk about. And you’re working together, so the interaction is more significant than asking how his day was.
Don’t be surprised if he decides he wants you for dessert!

6 Get Out and Date

Many people in long-term relationships forget dating.
We usually think: “Why should I date my guy? We already live together. We see each other all the time.”
Here’s why: Dating keeps romance alive.
This is especially true if you have kids. Find a sitter and make grownup time at least once a month. Go someplace nice, someplace where they don’t allow children. Enjoy your time as adults and relive the memories you made before you settled down.

7 Have More Sex

The quickest way to spice up your marriage is to have more sex.
It’s easy. Just stop saying you’re not in the mood. Let your man give you an orgasm.
If you keep saying no you’ll have no spice in your life at all. That’s no good.
The more you say yes to sex, the more sex you will want. That should be incentive enough, right?

8 Try Sex in Different Places

Since you’re having sex anyway, why not try sex in different places?
Some of the best places to have sex include: the stairs, the shower, the sofa, the kitchen floor (close to the fridge “9 1/2  Weeks” style), and anywhere taboo.
It’s surprising how unusual places can spice up your sex life. It really works.
Don’t be shy. You and your guy both need this.

9 Spend the Day Naked

One of the best ways to spice up your relationship is to crank up the sensuality. Hot sex is great (in sooooo many ways!), but sensuality has benefits as well.
One trick of the marriage trade is to call in sick to work and spend the day together – naked.
Make a comfortable space on the floor in front of the television. Add blankets, pillows, popcorn, and a bottle of wine. You can snuggle together, skin-to-skin, through a couple of your favorite movies.
This sensual, erotic experience is sure to end with a session of sweaty pillow play.

10 Surprise Each Other

What’s left to surprise each other with when you’ve been together for years?
One of the best things you can do for your relationship is to make a habit of bestowing little gestures of love on each other.
Leave a love note in his briefcase. Let him find you in bed wearing nothing but silky stockings when he gets home from work. Slip some silk boxers into his underwear drawer and wait for him to find them there.
All of these ideas – and you can think of many more – work the same way. They let your lover know he’s still desired and adored. That will translate into hotter sex, wait and see.

11 Do Something Romantic

Ah, romance. There’s nothing like it, is there? Best of all, romance often leads directly to the bedroom.
There are lots of ways to be romantic with your mate, and most of them require little or no effort.
Have a candlelit dinner. Go on a picnic. Turn on some music and dance in the living room. You can even spend the evening pretending the power is out, cuddling up on the couch by candlelight.
It’s not hard to put the romance back into your relationship. All it takes is a bit of creativity and the desire to do it.
But what if your husband is TERRIBLE when it comes to romance? Hm. Try texting the romance back into your marriage. It’s crazy how a few simple text messages can turn his romance on, even if he’s a total robot now.

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