Sunday 12 June 2016

Can You Make Your Penis Bigger?

There are more rumors and myths about penile enlargement than almost any other sex-related topic we can think of. Unfortunately, it’s a topic that, over the last 15 years or so, has been shrouded in misinformation and confusion thanks almost entirely to the proliferation of spam emails and websites selling dubious pharmaceuticals and generally ruining any chance we might ever have of getting closer to the truth about whether or not it’s possible to make a penis bigger.

1. Penis Pumping

What is it?
As the name implies, this is the act of slipping your manhood into a specially-designed pump, letting all the air out and letting it do all the work for you.

How does a penis pump work?
It works by creating a vacuum around your penis, causing the blood vessels and associated muscles to expand as blood is drawn into them by the vacuum.

Is It Actually Effective?

Well, yes… and no. What we mean is this: in a penis pump, your penis really does grow – noticeably so. But as soon as you break the seal and release the vacuum your penis goes straight back to its starting size. There’s no evidence of any long-term benefits at all. However, they do have one advantage, particularly for sufferers of erectile dysfunction: since the vacuum inside a pump draws blood into the penis, you can quickly roll on a ring and then remove the pump and the vacuum, essentially trapping the penis in an erect state. Some users of this technique report positive findings. Do consult a doctor though, and remember that wearing a ring or using a pump for extended periods can be unsafe.

2. Jelqing

What is Jelqing?

Purportedly jelqing is an ancient tradition of penis enlargement that employs weights or tensioners – or simply the hands – to slowly stretch the penis.

How Does Jelqing Work?

If you do a little research, you’ll find a few different answers to this question – and that’s always suspicious. The most common claim is that jelqing works by slowly, over time, stretching the tip of the penis away from the base, causing muscle fibers inside the shaft to split into two, a little like the way a body-builder’s muscles grow as they repair the damage from working out.
Is It Actually Effective?
No. Think about it. If penises got bigger when you pulled them, most guys would have 3 foot penises by the time they were 20. What’s more, that muscle repair theory is really shaky science based on muscle damage. The penis is not a muscle, and there are no muscles in the penis. It just doesn’t make any biological sense.

3. Pills

What is it?

Often, penile enhancement pills are blends of naturally occurring herbs that are supposed to supplement blood flow to the penis. Often though, they contain all sorts of things. They’re not generally regulated and as such there’s not much research into their safety or their side-effects. Just stay clear of them.

How Do Penis Pills Work?

They don’t.

Are they Actually Effective?


4. Surgery

What is it?

One of a number of procedures designed to augment the size of the patient’s penis.

How Does it Work?

There are a few different types of penis enlargement surgery based on different principles and on the desired outcome. One method is to transplant fatty tissues from elsewhere in the body into the shaft of the penis – this can be successful but is described as being “visually odd”, and the results often disappear within a year as the fat is metabolized. Another technique is to disconnect some supporting ligaments. Reports suggest that this can offer a few fractions of an inch in length, but leave the erection pointing down and not up.

Is It Actually Effective?

There’s conflicting evidence about this, and it’s mainly anecdotal. Some reports suggest success, but more suggest permanent damage was incurred as a result of the procedure. The only major medical research body to give this topic any real consideration eventually decided that there was no evidence that the penis can be permanently enlarged, and that most men would not want to go ahead with the surgery if they knew the risks and dangers involved.

So, What Can I Do To Make My Penis Bigger?

Right now, there is no reliable, safe way to permanently enhance the size of your manhood, and most of the information is designed cynically, to play on men’s insecurities and self-image. Pills don’t work, surgery is dangerous, jelqing is nonsense, and pumping is fun but ultimately pointless.

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