Friday 10 June 2016

Guide to waxing

1. Before and after waxing, regularly and gently exfoliate skin, with a body scrub.
2. Don't try to wax hair that's too short or too long. For ideal waxing conditions, hair should be between 1/4 inch and 3/4 inch long.
3. Ensure skin is clean, dry and free of oils and moisturisers.
4. Apply your strip or hot wax and with firm pressure smooth over 3-4 times in direction of hair growth, to allow the wax to adhere more fully.
5. Holding skin taut with one hand, quickly pull strip off in the opposite direction of hair growth. Remember to hold skin taut with the other hand and to pull close to the skin rather than up into the air.
6. Don't wax the same area more than twice. Going over the same area more than twice can damage the skin -- and be quite painful.
7. For the perfect finish remove any residue with an oil-based cleanser.
Top tips
Hair may not come out if; it is not at least 3- 5mm long, the area is not clean or dried after using the cleansing wipes.
Don’t wax if you're taking strong acne medications (which can make skin extra- sensitive), have a sunburn or have any sort of immune system or circulation issues.
Waxing your bikini area two days before or after your period can be more painful than other times because your skin is more sensitive (due to your hormones).

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